Posted on 8/10/2022

Car steering problems can become hazardous for drivers, passengers, and other people on the road. Using the steering wheel of our cars should be a straightforward affair, yet problems with the system can make things complicated. When a driver loses control of their vehicle’s steering, dangerous accidents are bound to occur. This can result in damage to property, severe injuries, and even death. Table of Contents Common Car Steering ProblemsCauses of Steering Problems in CarCar Steering Problems Can Lead to AccidentsConclusionMore from NOLA Automotive Repairs Common Steering Problems Fortunately, the power steering problems symptoms normally provide plenty of warning for driv ... read more
Posted on 8/10/2022

In every vehicle, batteries are what power up the engine to start the car. Over time, as batteries are used and abused with continual charging and discharging, the battery life will slowly degrade. If you don’t keep an eye on your battery’s health, you could be left stranded on the side of the road with a dead car battery. There are several indications that you need a new car battery and it is important to be aware of them. From dashboard lights to headlights dimming, here are six signs that indicate you need a new battery. Table of Contents 1. Your Car is Not Starting2. Slow Starting3. Electrical Equipment Acting Up4. Visible Corrosion5. Physical Damage6. Old BatteryFinal Thoughts 1. Your Car is Not Starting One of the m ... read more
Posted on 8/10/2022

Rodents can be a real nuisance inside your house, but they can even do greater damage to your car engine. Since your car engine can be a nesting place, you must learn effective ways to keep them away. First, you should understand why mice choose to stay in your engine bay. Then, look for ways to ward them off. It is not as simple as you think. Many car owners have had this problem more often now. The manufacturing of cars today has leaned more on using biodegradable materials which are more attractive to rodents. Examples of materials being used for car manufacturing that are irresistible to mice include soy for making cushion foam, interior carpeting, and wire insulation. Table of Contents Rodent Damage to Car EnginesHow to Get Rid of Rats in Your Car Naturally1. Remove the sources of food ... read more
Posted on 8/10/2022

Has your power steering suddenly stopped working? The steering system is one of the most critical parts of a vehicle. Modern cars use a power steering system, which makes it easier to turn the steering wheel. Electrics, hydraulics, or a combination of both powers this system. Power steering makes driving more comfortable and safer. You might have overlooked some common power steering failure causes.
This is why diagnosing power steering problems is essential. You should already know this, but if your steering gives up on you while you’re driving, car insurance will be the last thing you’ll worry about. power steering failure causes It can be almost impossible to turn the wheel in tight spots without power steering. Loss of power steering is prone to multiple issues including: Fluid Loss Want to know how to fix a leaking power ste ... read more
Posted on 8/10/2022

Nola Automotive Repairs New Orleans has all the repair, replacement, and maintenance services available for any type of vehicular issue. We provide affordable yet high standard procedures to make your vehicle look and feel good as new. Prevent problems even before they start, only here at one of the most reliable auto repair shops in New Orleans